The Eucharist is the source and summit of our Catholic faith. The most profound source of life and faith, and of one’s deepest spiritual potential (summit) is wrapped up in the mystery of the Eucharist, which is truly our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, made visible in the form of bread and wine.

Take time to adore our Eucharistic Lord; the benefits are immense! You can sign up as a scheduled adorer–with a specific time each week or as an unscheduled adorer–who comes at different times. Access is offered 24/7 with the exception of the Easter Triduum.

The Chapel is located next to the school kitchen. You will need an access code to enter the Chapel. For more information, contact Tricia Klug at 423-737-2747 or

We are always in need of adorers to come and adore our Lord who is present with us Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. As Jesus asked of Peter: “Could you not keep watch with me for one hour?” Are we willing to answer this call?

Prayer for the Spread of Perpetual Adoration

Heavenly Father, increase our faith in the Real Presence of Your Son Jesus Christ int he Holy Eucharist. We are obliged to adore Him, to give Him thanks and to make reparation for sins.

We need your peace in our hearts and among nations. We need conversion from our sins and the mercy of Your forgiveness.

May we obtain this through prayer and our union with the Eucharistic Lord.

Please send down the Holy Spirit upon all peoples to give them the love, courage, strength, and willingness to respond to the invitation to Eucharistic Adorations. We beseech You to spread Perpetual Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament in parishes around the world. We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord. Amen.

Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament help us to spread the glory of your Son through Perpetual Adoration. Amen.