Hispanic Committee

Provides a welcome to all. They train and promote leadership to our Spanish speaking parishioners. Hispanic community members can then reach out to others by making them aware of their responsibility to their Church and community. Call the parish office for more information.

Moms’ Ministry

The Moms’ Ministry is a community of mothers within the parish who support one another in
both their faith and journey through motherhood; through monthly meetings, events involving
their children and husbands, and encouraging each other to live out their faith for both
themselves and their family. The Moms’ Ministry recognizes that every stage of motherhood
comes with different challenges and joys; thus, attempting to keep the activities of the ministry
accessible for moms with children of various ages, moms who work, or stay at home.

Since the beginning of the ministry in 2017, the Moms’ Ministry has participated in many parish
events such as the Family Fun Fest, Easter Egg Hunt, and the Food Pantry distribution. The
ministry has monthly meetings from September-May (taking off the months of December, June,
July, and August). The current meeting format will include fellowship time with provided meal,
monthly speakers on a wide range of topics relevant to motherhood, and group discussion.
Meeting dates: Moms’ Ministry meetings are currently the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 6pm
in the school’s art room but meetings are subject to change. Please see the bulletin or our
Facebook Page to stay up to date.


New Parishioner Welcome Community

New members are provided with parish information and referred to ministry leaders for involvement in the many aspects of parish life. A reception is hosted throughout the course of the year to welcome them to our parish community. Please call the parish office for more information.

Parish Nurse Program

The purpose of the Parish Nurse Program is to assist parishioners and others in the community to reach their optimal level of emotional, physical, and spiritual health and well-being. The parish nurse is a registered nurse who functions as a member of the pastoral care team. He/she understands the mission of the church, accepts the holistic concept of care, and is an integrator of faith and health. The duties and roles of the parish nurse are that of a health educator, developer of support groups, health counselor, liaison with community health organizations, health advocate, resource person, coordinator of volunteers ministering to the homebound by visiting hospitals, nursing homes, and private homes, bringing communion if requested or arranging for an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion to bring weekly communion. Call the parish nurse at the parish office to receive more information.

St. Mary’s Gift Shop

This ministry sells religious items following each of the weekend Masses, as well as weekdays during parish office hours. Items not kept in stock can be special ordered.

Tuesday Maintenance Group

A men’s group meeting Tuesday mornings from 9 to about 12. They do any any kind of maintenance and upkeep around Saint Mary campus including items from plumbing, electrical, wood, yard work painting any miscellaneous items that need to be fixed in school or church. Put your talents and gifts at the service of the church. If you don’t have experience come and learn and enjoy fellowship. Work is done under the direction of the parish maintenance director.