Liturgical Ministries
Liturgical Ministries
The Liturgy Committee is comprised of the coordinators of the many liturgical ministries who serve our parish in building the faith through an understanding of the rituals and traditions, as well as the practical details of scheduling, training, and spiritual enrichment those called to serve in these ministries central to our life as a parish.
Altar Servers assist the priest and deacons during the celebration of the Mass. Students who have made their First Holy Communion are eligible to serve in this ministry.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are confirmed members of the parish who are trained to assist with the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass. They are trained in the practical details as well as their own spiritual preparation. Many of these ministers also visit the homebound of the parish, sharing the Word of God and the Most Holy Eucharist with those unable to attend weekly Mass.
Music Ministry volunteers invite and lead the congregation in prayer through hymns, psalms, and the sung responses during Mass and other liturgical celebrations. Contact the coordinator below for practice times.
Readers are trained to proclaim the Word of God during Mass.
Sacristans minister to the worshipping community in the preparation for Mass. They are trained in the important tasks of setting up for Mass and confirming the liturgical ministry roles are filled.
Ushers are key ministers of hospitality and welcome. These volunteers have the opportunity and responsibility of representing our entire faith community in their interaction with those joining us for worship. They also assist in the weekly offertory collection, communion procession, and distribution of the weekly bulletin, as well as addressing any immediate needs that may arise during our gathering to worship.